
See how we can help

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Online mortgage brokers with super slick tech for easy applications

Loan Corp are leading UK mortgage brokers who can help get you approved for a mortgage in just 24 hours from application.

We have invested in slick tech which is industry leading, so that we can get your application directly into our brokers and get you advice super quick.

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By having direct integrations into the exact mortgage broker that you need to speak to for your specific circumstances, you don’t have to wait more than a second for your application to land in the right hands.

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Why use a mortgage broker?

Many customers use Loan Corp for mortgage broker services as we can offer fast approvals and have over 600 staff waiting for your enquiry.

If you are looking to get a mortgage the easy way, start online below:

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What do we do?

We are mortgage brokers with full UK coverage

We have full guides on mortgage broking and how we can help you get the best deals on UK mortgages. Whether you are looking to know the benefits of using a mortgage broker and have questions or wondering how to choose a mortgage broker, we can help.

Or if you are wondering what to ask a mortgage broker in terms of questions you may have as well as how they get paid then these guides will answer these questions.

Alternatively you can start your application below and our expert UK-based mortgage brokers will help you.

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You can borrow from as little as £50,000
Available from mainstream lenders to private investments
Short to long repayment terms available
Within 10 minutes we will call you to discuss your loan
Submit your information on our website
We aim to find you the best finance we can at the best rates possible

We can help you today

The Loan Corp Guarantee

Start your mortgage application online today and let our brokers help guide you. They will find the best lenders for your specific circumstances and let you know the benefits or downfalls of each one, so you can make an informed decision.

Start below now:

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Our Guide

Advice mortgage brokers